Like the psalmist, we often have mixed emotions of thankfulness for God’s provision, and sorrow about current events. That was true of the past couple of months.

The heavens declare the glory of God. The skies declare the work of his hands.– Psalm 19:1

We have the privilege of celebrating Thanksgiving with Canadians, Americans, and our Honduran church family. It isn’t an official holiday in Honduras, but every year our church council selects a Sunday service in November in which members can give testimony to God’s faithfulness in their lives, followed by a potluck meal of Thanksgiving (heavier on chicken and tortillas than turkey and mashed potatoes). As we travel, we see the work of God’s hand and are thankful for the mountains of Honduras and the plains of Manitoba. We are thankful for health, especially after Caspar’s scare of potential cancer in March, for the celebration of Reuben and Malyssa’s marriage in August, and for the progress we’ve seen in programs, like productive fish ponds. What are you thankful for?

Why, O Lord, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?– Psalm 10:1

In mid-October, however, I was in Haiti and saw some of the devastation from Hurricane Matthew. I expected the damage to homes, especially the missing roofs. More surprising and especially disheartening was the destruction to  fields and trees, the life source of rural folk. In the Grand’Anse area, where World Renew had been partnering with Productive Cooperatives Haiti (PCH), trees still standing had been stripped of small to mid-sized branches, leaves and immature fruit. Fields and gardens were cleared of plants by the sustained 140 mph winds that passed. It will be months before the fields produce and a year before they see a harvest of fruit to sell in the cities. The shock and despair in people’s faces was still evident two weeks after the storm.

You hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them and you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed, in order that man, who is of the earth, may terrify no more.- Psalm 10:17

With funds that have been received so far, food and tarps were distributed in areas where PCH and the Haitian CRC are working. Although it is only a start, some families were able to cover sections of their homes, to stay out of the rain that continues to fall after the hurricane. We are thankful for the donations that have been received to date (approx. US$450,000), but much more is needed to make a real difference in the lives of more families. Please consider this special request, as you consider your motives for thankfulness.

Please Join Us in Prayer

  • Praise God for his abundance and for progress in so many programs. Last month, three Impact Clubs, working with at-risk youth, planted 60 trees in their community!

  • Praise God for the volunteers who have responded to the need for International Relief Managers in Haiti.

  • Praise God for the offerings received to date for the Hurricane Matthew response and pray for continued revenue.