Okwaet Emmanuel from Olwa parish in the Amuria District of Uganda was a beneficiary of a Foods Resource Bank (FRB) project through World Renew in 2010. His is a tale of significant change after disaster.
In June 2003, disaster struck Olwa, when a Kony rebel invasion disrupted this quiet village! The disruption did not end there—the area continued to be attacked by Karamajong cattle-raiding warriors, and was then struck by both floods and droughts.
Ten years later, in 2013, the residents of Olwa village are on the road to recovery with hope and rejoicing. Okweta Emmanual is one of the happy beneficiaries in Olwa. He has a story to tell about the change that has occurred for him and his family after receiving support from World Renew’s PAG-KIDO (Pentecostal Assemblies of God Katakwi Integrated Development Organization) food security program.
Forty-seven-year-old Emmanuel is a successful farmer who owns a grinding mill and a drug store who is now constructing a permanent house for his family. He has diversified his farming, has a citrus garden, and owns animals. He is also growing banana and cassava crops.
Emmanuel is taking care of his family and even educating his children with the income he earned from selling cassava cuttings and chips as well as groundnuts he purchased from his food security group. From the sale of his harvests, Emmanuel earned UGX 2,350,000 (about $905 USD) from the cassava chips, UGX 1,500,000 ($578) from the sale of cassava cuttings, and UGX 1,800,000 ($693) from groundnuts. Emmanuel has four acres of mature cassava plants that he says will earn a good amount of money if he harvests and sells them at a good price.
Emmanuel has five biological children and other dependents. He is now able to send three of his children to school: one child is in senior five, another in senior three, and the other is pursuing a nursing course at Kampala International University. Emmanuel also helped his nephew, Ebongu Charles, complete nurse’s training, and Charles is now working at one of the Ococia Health Centre III, a mission hospital in Amuria District.
Emmanuel appreciates the support he has received from PAG-KIDO. This support has helped him reach his goals. He is confident that he can support his children as they complete their studies.
Jim Zylstra
Team Leader
World Renew Uganda