Join World Renew as we explore the themes of mercy and justice and provide practical tools to help you and your faith community partner well locally and globally.
Current Opportunities
Join this exciting five-week virtual series on Wednesday evenings February 19, 26, March 5, 12, & 19 at 7:30 PM Eastern (6:30 PM Central, 5:30 PM Mountain, 4:30 PM Pacific) hosted by World Renew. Guest leaders will share their expertise and perspectives about the intersection of faith, our relationship with creation, and our response to food and climate justice. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from experts in their fields!
Register Today to receive access to all five weeks of the series. If one of the webinar dates doesn’t work for your schedule, you will also receive a copy of the recording.
Note: There will be a special giveaway at each session, BUT you must be PRESENT to participate. See you there!
When: April 2, 7:30 PM ET (6:30 CT, 5:30 MT, 4:30 PT)
What: JOIN IN to learn how people of faith can respond through advocacy and action. Guests include Isabel Vandermolen, Climate Hunger Fellow, Bread for the World, Paul Hagerman, Director of Public Policy, CFGB (Canadian Food Grains Bank), Andrew Oppong, Justice Mobilizer, Thrive CRCNA, Cindy Stover, Justice Mobilization Program Manager, CRCNA CA.
Register: April 2 Cultivating Shalom Registration
Faith in Action Webinar: As a next step to the Food and Faith series, view this webinar to learn how we can transform our awareness of food justice and climate justice into meaningful calls to action. This hands-on workshop will teach you the basics of advocacy and give you the tools to contact your elected officials to advocate for food security and justice. We explore global and national (US and Canada) food justice issues and policies. Watch the webinar recording here.
USE your Voice! Write or call your Representatives and urge them to develop a final Farm Bill that ensures national nutrition benefits are protected and strengthened, climate policies are enhanced, and international nutrition assistance is supported! WRITE YOUR LETTER here:
Connect with Us: I’d love to know if you took action! Drop me a note or contact Jodi Koeman at [email protected] if you have any questions about Food Justice and Advocacy.
Food, Faith, & Justice
New Resources Now Available
How does our faith inform our relationship and response to food – the growing, consuming, and sharing of it? What do we know about the food system, food security, and food justice? What should our response look like? We’re here to mobilize your congregation or group to plan, implement, adapt, and advocate for food justice ministry in your community. Interested in learning more and getting involved? Use the contact form below to…
- ACCESS our 2022 Food Insecurity, Access, and Disparity webinar series recordings.
- ACCESS our 2024 Food and Faith webinar series recordings.
- SHARE how your congregation is responding to food insecurity, access, and justice in your neighborhood.
This Community of Practice (CoP) is a group of faith-rooted individuals working in the areas of mercy, justice, and community development, who have a desire to learn from, network with, and share stories, experiences, tools, and challenges with one another. Using Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) principles, we’ll discover faith as an asset as we build on the strengths in our neighborhoods and communities, addressing shared or recurring challenges and how we turn them into opportunities.
Click HERE for more information and to register.
Sponsored by the ABCD Institute and co-hosted by World Renew, Episcopal Relief & Development, and Embrace Communities.
Community Flourishing: Becoming a Strengths-Based, Community-Focused Congregation
Is your congregation interested in helping make your neighborhood and community a great place for ALL to live in, to be proud of, and to thrive in, particularly those who have been marginalized? Coaching is available to help mobilize your church to love, listen to, and engage with your neighbors, neighborhoods, and local organizations as you seek to cultivate a place of flourishing. Sessions will feature learning, stories, reflection, discussions, and practical assignments to put our learning into action.
If interested, please fill out the contact form at the bottom of this webpage.
Serving with Dignity is an asset-based approach to service that moves us beyond meeting immediate needs to creating lasting change and transformation. This training will equip participants to develop a posture for serving their community and gain practical steps for:
- Serving across differences
- Asset-based ministry
- Community development
- Building healthy relationships
Note: This cohort is designed to be the next step if you plan to or have already participated in the Thriving Essentials course.
Have Questions? Looking for a webinar recording?
Fill out the form below and we’d be happy to connect with you!