It was another long distance traveling from Chaplin to Regina, Saskatchewan: about 161 kms. The wind was mostly north-east which means it was blowing against us at about 25 km / hour. I started the day by leading the group with a prayer focused on Deuteronomy 8:10-18 and Philippians 4:13, where we are reminded not to put our trust or pride in our own strength but in God, who gives us the ability to do all things through Christ, who gives us the strength. We sure did need God’s strength to make it through the day. Many of us went in groups so we could take turns with leading and following to get some draft of wind to help us along. I was very thankful not to have any more flats or mishaps today.
When we reached our campground in the afternoon, we were very saddened to hear the news of Clarence Doornbos being struck and killed by a vehicle in Caledonia, Michigan. He was cycling with Claire Elgersma, an alumni rider of Sea to Sea, as part of his training for the Sea to Sea tour this year with his wife, Janice. They were planning to join Sea to Sea from Grand Rapids, Minnesota to Ottawa, Ontario. Once again, we were reminded that, while we can make many plans, ultimately we have to submit to God’s plan for our lives. Our hope is in the Lord: he renews our strength like an eagle with his gift of eternal life.
After reaching Regina from a week of cycling almost 900 kms, we were very grateful to have a day of rest today on Sunday. We went to the worship service at Sonlight Christian Reformed Church in Regina where they treated us to an awesome lunch. In the evening, we were blessed by another meal provided by the Indian Metis Fellowship Center. Today’s message by Pastor Charles focusing on God’s glory and the reminder that even if we spend many days on a bicycle seeing the wonders of God’s creation, we will never completely fathom the full glory of God. That only comes when we see him face to face in our transition from death to eternal life. While sin often blocks us from seeing the fullness of his glory in the present, we are thankful for the gift that Christ gifts to open the way for us to see glimpses of his glory now even as we expect an even more complete experience of his glory in the life hereafter.
The contrast of our spiritual submission to God’s strength and glory compared to the world’s fallen nature came out once again when I returned from our worship time to the King’s Park Campground where we were staying. As soon as I started to get my bike prepared for tomorrow’s ride, I discovered it had another flat tire from a very strange hole on the inside part of the tire tube. I had not even taken it out for a ride today! So while this bike has provided the strength that helped me to endure long distances this week, it also reached its limits.
Our work to overcome poverty, injustice and disaster needs the ultimate power of God to succeed. Even when we work with families and their stories have changed so they succeed in reaching their goals, we must always remember our faithful Lord and Creator who gave us the strength, knowledge and Spirit to do all this in the first place. It is to him that we give all glory, honor and praise.
So how do you submit to God’s strength today and ultimately find God’s glory as you do so?
Ida Kaastra Mutoigo
World Renew Canada