There are a lot of acronyms here at World Renew: PAG, NEICORD, FOTADEL, SLDS, CECS…
They can be a little overwhelming until you know that each acronym simply represents one of the 84 organizations World Renew partners with in 31 countries around the globe. Our partners work at the local level, helping identify a community’s needs and its capacity to implement and sustain solutions to those needs.
Each acronym represents enormous potential for changing stories. So read on to discover how World Renew and Haitian partners PWOFOD and ADJGH are fostering local leadership and development in the community of Gressier, Haiti.

They can be a little overwhelming until you know that each acronym simply represents one of the 84 organizations World Renew partners with in 31 countries around the globe.  Our partners work at the local level, helping identify a community’s needs and its capacity to implement and sustain solutions to those needs.

Each acronym represents enormous potential for changing stories. So read on to discover how World Renew and Haitian partners PWOFOD and ADJGH are fostering local leadership and development in the community of Gressier, Haiti.

Program for Organization of Diaconate (PWOFOD) is a longtime partner to World Renew in Haiti, where they mobilize church and community organizations for leadership in and development of their communities. They have been working in the community of Gressier, 12 miles west of Port-au-Prince, providing leadership and diaconal training to to 15 churches there.

In the northern part of Gressier, the two small villages of Jasmin and Kaleje noticed the changes taking place in their neighbors’ communities and asked PWOFOD to assist them in beginning a similar transformation. Producers of crops like cassava, banana, yam, and beans, Jasmin and Kaleje had already taken great steps towards positive development.  In 2009, community members established the Association for the Development of Jasmin, Gressier Haiti (ADJGH).  They received legal recognition from the Haitian Ministry of Social Affairs in 2012 and now have 100 members.  In just 8 years they have founded a school and created a village savings and loan program.

With these strong assets in place, Jasmin and Kaleje were ready to embark on leadership training and analysis of their communities’ capacities with the help of PWOFOD. For the last two years, church leaders from Jasmin and Kaleje have trained with PWOFOD and learned how to take the next steps in transformation of their communities. In partnership with World Renew, PWOFOD has enabled local leaders to increase dialogue and partnerships within their communities. Teachers have been trained and teach literacy classes to young people and adults.  For the villages of Jasmin and Kaleje, acronyms like PWOFOD and ADJGH stand for renewal and transformation.


Troy Sanon

Country Consultant
World Renew Haiti