After Super Storm Sandy tore through New Jersey on October 29 of last year, World Renew Disaster Response Services (DRS) responded quickly by sending volunteers to conduct early assessments and help with the massive cleanup effort. World Renew also started working with FEMA and local partners to plan for long-term recovery, which included making arrangements to start sending World Renew DRS volunteers to the affected area to assess unmet needs. This work continues in Monmouth, Bergen, Middlesex and Ocean Counties in New Jersey as well as Nassau and Suffolk Counties in New York. We are grateful for the work of the long-term recovery organizations in these communities and for the support we’ve received from them in addition to the RCA churches in Keyport (Community Church of Keyport) and Highland Park throughout this effort.
In the process of planning for long-term recovery, World Renew works closely with the Church World Service Emergency Response team and its member denominations. During the weeks of January 14 and 21 a joint World Renew/Church World Service team provided training workshops to multiple communities throughout New Jersey and New York. Included on that team were Henry & Linda Visscher who serve as World Renew DRS Regional Managers for Western Canada as well as DRS Needs Assessment leaders. Henry & Linda’s role on the team was to provide training in our Needs Assessment program. After two weeks of training over 500 local recovery workers were trained (See photo). Praise God for this opportunity to share World Renew DRS expertise and skills with others in order to multiply the good work that can take place.
On January 10, I met with representatives from 20 churches from the Reformed Church in America Mid-Atlantic Synod. The group was hosted by Pastor Seth Kaper-Dale of Highland Park Reformed Church. All of the churches that were represented at the meeting have either been personally impacted by Hurricane Sandy and/or have made a commitment to help with the recovery in some way. These churches have already been providing financial and material donations as well as volunteers to the recovery effort. Several of them are also serving in their communities on long term recovery committees and have begun providing volunteer housing for World Renew DRS and other volunteers. It was wonderful to meet with them in person and discuss how we can work continue to work together.
As a next step in our Hurricane Sandy response, World Renew is planning to open long-term construction sites in several of the more highly damaged, lower income communities. We will also provide opportunities for short-term volunteer groups at a number of locations.
The work of Sandy recovery will go on for some time but, with the collaboration that is already evident, we are confident that things will go well. Please continue to keep us and the survivors of Hurricane Sandy in your prayers.
In His Service,
Bill Adams
World Renew Disaster Response Service
photo: Henry Visscher leading a training during a Church World Service/World Renew training event