No one should have to drink dirty water. And no one should have to walk miles to collect water that will make them sick. By partnering with World Renew, you can help change the story of water for vulnerable communities around the world.


You can help provide clean water and demonstrate the tangible, hands-on love of Jesus and help prevent the spread of contagious diseases.

Clean water is essential to good health, but for 2.4 billion people globally clean water is only a dream. When you give to World Renew, you can help make that dream a reality. We help communities establish safe, consistent water sources and teach families proper sanitation and hygiene practices.

Clean and safe water supplies reduce the time needed to collect water. This allows children to attend school and parents, particularly mothers, to have more time to focus on earning an income for their families. Safe handwashing facilities with soap help keep families free from contagious diseases.

$15 is all it takes to help a community provide clean water for one person for a month. For $60, you can give a family access to clean water for a month.

When you join with World Renew to give communities the essentials of life—like safe, clean drinking water—you give them the chance to change their story for good.

Your gift will help families have access to the clean water they need to stay healthy.

0 billion
people do not have access to safe drinking water sources
0 million
estimated deaths every year due to a lack of clean water

Water Renews Hope in Ikurungu

Maria used to spend most of her life focused on one thing—getting water.

She says, “We used to walk two hours to get where the water was.”

Even then, it was salty, like drinking ocean water, which has its own health risks. But it was the best Maria, or anyone in her village of Ikurungu in Kenya, could find.

By the time she got home, it was dark. She had no time to do farm work or keep up with housework. Every night she would cook dinner for her family in the pitch-black darkness. Exhausted from working so late at night, Maria would then wake up early the next day and make the long trek for water again. It was exhausting and it felt hopeless.

Her story is all too common. All around the world, over 2 billion people don’t have access to clean water. But now, thanks to World Renew and our local partners, Maria’s village has a water tower with a solar pump, giving Maria and her neighbors easy access to a clean water source.

“We are so thankful to God because now we have water, and that water is clean and not salty. It has been a great help to a lot of people, including old ladies—they are happy because the water is close to them,” Maria says. For Maria and her community, clean water has renewed their hope and improved their health.

By providing access to clean and safe water through World Renew, you will invest in a community and enable more people—just like Maria—to thrive.

Monthly Gifts Go Further.

$15 is all it takes to help a community provide clean water for one person for a month.

For $60, you can give a family access to clean water for a month.