Village Savings and
Loans Associations
At World Renew, we’ve taken the need for a bank or predatory lenders out of the equation and put opportunity into the hands of communities. With Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs), families are finding the key to economic stability—and changing their lives for good.
How We Help
Savings and Loans
Members of VSLAs meet weekly to add small amounts of their own money to a savings pool. The group then provides small, low-interest loans to each other to help finance household essentials or start small businesses.
Business Startups
We offer training in business management to help people start their own businesses, get involved in money-making activities, and improve their chances of getting credit to help with startup costs.
Women’s Empowerment
VSLAs help women become more confident by boosting their leadership skills, money management, and decision-making. We also help women improve their access social and financial resources to achieve financial stability.
Why Support VSLAs?
“We thought it would be impossible since we are housewives without any money. If that wasn’t enough, we have. . . husbands who wouldn’t let us leave our houses. We thought that saving was an unattainable dream. . . We overcame all those challenges, and we overcame the fact that our husbands had to give us the freedom to attend the meetings and give us a few coins to save at first. It was hard, but as time went on our husbands realized that it was a good thing—in fact, we could help make ends meet at home.”
— Damaris, VSLA member, Nicaragua