Gift Catalog2024-08-14T20:40:10+00:00

Give the gift of hope through the World Renew gift catalog all year round.

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Give the gift of hope through the World Renew gift catalog all year round.

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Featured Products

  • Goat


    A goat is a great gift for farmers struggling with food security. These fun-loving animals produce nutritious milk to drink and their droppings can be used as fertilizer to grow crops. That gives families more nutritious food to eat, and the opportunity to sell the milk for income to buy everyday essentials like, soap, clothes, and medicine.

    **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Good health from conception to two years old is essential to a long life. Your gift will provide training for community volunteers who visit expecting mothers and newborns at home. Trained volunteers teach good health, hygiene, and nutrition to mothers and children at risk of malnutrition and preventable illness. Help a new mom and her baby today. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Bicycle

    A bicycle provides transportation for local volunteers who often travel long distances between communities. Your gift helps World Renew trained volunteers to visit homes and farms to assist families with their vital health and food security needs. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Help farmers learn new agriculture techniques so that they can grow more food to eat and sell. Agriculture training includes lessons in soil conservation, composting, and low-till techniques, while also giving farmers access to climate-adaptive seeds and tools. Help families achieve real food security. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**

Shop By Category

Animal Raising

Disaster Response

Economic Opportunities

Education & Learning

Growing Food

Health & Nutrition


Water & Hygiene

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How Giving Works

Select a gift to donate to a family experiencing poverty.

Gifts are purchased locally to contribute to those economies.

Global communities receive resources that equip them to thrive.

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