While life is grim for many people who were affected by June flooding in High River, Alberta, World Renew is offering new hope, and God is providing for people’s needs. Jack and Nellie Admiraal have served as reconstruction volunteers with World Renew Disaster Response Services (DRS) since 2005. In September 2013, they worked in High River, Alberta, on their first assignment as Unmet Needs Assessment volunteers.
“We are happy that we were truly able to help some of the people affected by the flooding in High River. It was important to help people in the process of repairing their homes, but also in healing emotionally as well. There were people who felt that we really gave them hope.”
“God is providing for my basic needs, and that is good enough for me. I am free to do what needs to be done to help my neighbors get their homes back." -Gary
Needs assessment volunteers meet with homeowners whose houses were damaged or destroyed by a disaster to determine what needs have yet to be met. During the assessment process the conversation often flows naturally to the trauma of their experience.
The Admiraals recall meeting Gary (not his real name), whose faith in God was unwavering even though his home was completely destroyed and he lost everything. Gary believed that God would provide for him. “He said there were so many people that needed help, he felt that God was calling him to devote his time to helping them,” the Admiraals said.
Confident in the task at hand and living in temporary housing, Gary quit his job to focus on helping others. “God is providing for my basic needs, and that is good enough for me. I am free to do what needs to be done to help my neighbors get their homes back,” said Gary. Gary is among those needing assistance to rebuild his own home, but he is answering God’s call to serve others in the midst of his own flood-affected situation.
On January 11, 2014 World Renew DRS volunteers from across Canada and the United States will begin serving week after week in High River, working hard to rebuild homes and like Gary, answering God’s calling to serve others in His Name. “
Above all, we volunteer for the love of Jesus and to do His will,” say the Admiraals, reflecting their motivation and that of other World Renew DRS volunteers.