This Advent, CRWRC and the Christian Reformed Office of Social Justice (OSJ) invite you to read stories of love enacted, to hear what Scripture says about doing justice with love—to let love orient your Christmas season.
Starting November 27, CRWRC and OSJ are providing a devotional series for Advent 2011 called “Greater Love.” Join us in prayer and reflection each day through these convenient emails that include a meditation, suggested prayer, and a note with some details about how the Christian Reformed Church is working to bring God’s great love to a world in need.
Together, we’ll look more closely into God’s call to love eachother and “the other.” We’ll see more clearly what love is….
Love is the Virgin Mary saying to the angel, “May it be to me as you have said.” Love is shepherds and Magi traveling to present gifts to the baby Jesus. Love is Jesus saying, “Blessed are the poor.” Love is joining the prophet Isaiah in pleading the cause of the orphan. Love is encouraging the oppressed. Love is Jesus giving up his life and calling us friends. Love is expecting that people will be relieved of the burden of hunger. Love is restoring long broken relationships. Love is the thrill of witnessing people set free.
We pray that each day you will be filled with love as you prepare your heart to celebrate Jesus’ birth this Christmas! To sign up, click here.