The tornadoes that ripped through Granbury, Texas, about forty miles outside of Fort Worth, last night are the worst storms to hit the U.S. so far this year.

The tornadoes that ripped through Granbury, Texas, about forty miles outside of Fort Worth, last night are the worst storms to hit the U.S. so far this year.

Several twisters dropped out of a thunderstorm that was passing over the Rancho Brazos neighborhood in Granbury, and this morning six people are known dead, dozens are missing, and more than 100 homes have been damaged. News outlets say that local authorities in Texas are reporting that every home in Rancho Brazos was heavily damaged or destroyed.

As rescue teams search for survivors, World Renew Regional Managers Don and Ardy Pranger are in contact with government and volunteer organizations to evaluate the full impact of the tornadoes and determine how World Renew DRS can best help.  As the situation continues to unfold, World Renew Disaster Response Services (DRS) Rapid Response volunteers will be on alert to respond to those in need as a result of this storm.                                                                                                                  

You can assist tornado survivors in Granbury, Texas, through World Renew Disaster Response Services.

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