World Renew Disaster Response Services (DRS) volunteers from the Pella, Iowa, area restored their home; even more, they restored the family’s hope.

“We were working so hard but we got discouraged,” says 16-year-old Cortland. “Whenever we would work on our home, it seemed to get us nowhere. We did have some other volunteer help initially, but after a while, people stopped showing up to help when we needed it.

“But then World Renew DRS showed up, and boy, am I eternally grateful!

“We quickly learned that you are a great group of people who were sent to bring our lives back together. You took the time to know us and even tried to learn my name, which most of you remembered! It was super exciting to tell you about my movie or talk about my day at school, because you actually care.

“You gave us the greatest helping hand we could ask for. The things you built look so perfect. The best part is, you seemed to enjoy doing it! You sparked a new light of hope in my mom and the rest of us.”

Courtland’s 14-year-old sister Braelynn said, “Thank you all so much for the help you have given us in rebuilding our basement. I realize that the flood was a year and a half ago and that doesn’t matter to most people now, but as you have realized, there is a lot of work to be done. I can see the improvements that you are making, and every night I have been going downstairs and just looking at it. It is incredible to imagine that just a few days ago, one  room and a bathroom were only halfway completed. Now almost everything is dry-walled and fixed up.”

“You have brought new hope to our family,” agree parents Mike and Andrea Haefele. “You have shown us that there are still people out there that care, and this experience with all of you has changed our lives forever. Before you came along, the basement repairs and refinishing were daunting, miserable tasks to take on. We felt the need to have that part of our home again, but we couldn’t find the energy to rebuild it. It was so dark and uncomfortable, as if the flood water was still in it. Now, it is filled with warmth and happiness [because of] your effort and care.

“You touched our lives, not only with your helping hands but also with your caring minds. As time went on [after the flood], more problems came up, and there wasn’t much help for us anymore. We were getting exhausted, and it was taking a mental toll on all of us to the point of tearing us apart as a family.

"I also feel that this may change the path of our children’s lives. You set such a beautiful example for them that I am sure they will jump in without hesitation the next time they see someone in need."

“But talking and working with all of you created a new beginning for us. We hadn’t had much joy in our lives since the flood, but I feel that you brought new joy to us. From the time we spent with you, and hopefully from this time forward, I will continue to feel more empowered and renewed.

“We were making-do without our basement and all the things we lost: they are, after all, only material things. But a sense of security and hope are hard things to lose and then recover. Those things are coming back again now. With the inspiration and help you have shown and given me, I hope that someday I will be able to return the favor to someone else.

“I also feel that this may change the path of our children’s lives. You set such a beautiful example for them that I am sure they will jump in without hesitation the next time they see someone in need.

“You all will be missed but not forgotten. I can’t thank you enough…each and every one of you!”

Will you take the time to help a family like the Haefeles?

As you can see, it’s not just homes that need to be restored, it’s hope and security. World Renew DRS is grateful to be able to minister in Christ’s name to people in need across North America every day. For example, families and individuals like the Haefeles, who have financial, physical, or other limitations, are still waiting to get their homes back in order after Super-storm Sandy of October 2012—two and a half years ago!

Whether you are a skilled reconstruction workers, helper or cook, or have management skills, can organize a group mission trip, or interview survivors to make sure their needs are met—your help is needed!

How do you get started? Simply contact our office: we can help find a good fit for you. There is also a wealth of information, including answers to frequently asked questions, at

World Renew DRS is hosting free workshops in Highland Park, New Jersey (March 21), and Rock Valley, Iowa (May 2), for anyone interested in learning the ins-and-outs of volunteering. If you are in these areas, please join us. Register today.

Thank you to all who currently volunteer, and thank you to those prayerfully considering taking the time to help people like the Haefeles.