A Long Road to Recovery
Following hurricanes Eta and Iota, families in Honduras were left searching for essential items. Food, hygiene kits, and shelter became more important than ever.
![Q2_Honduras PHOTO [ETA_ IOTA] (1) Honduran mother wearing a face mask and standing with her daughter and two sons](https://worldrenew.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Q2_Honduras-PHOTO-ETA_-IOTA-1-scaled.jpg)
After an unprecedented hurricane season, Honduras is still rebuilding and recovering. Two powerful hurricanes, Eta and Iota, struck Central America within a period of just two weeks. Communities already struggling to recover from Eta were dealt another devastating blow when Iota slammed into its northwestern and Atlantic shores.
Thousands of families in the most vulnerable areas are without essential items like food, hygiene items such as soap and sanitizer, and shelter. In response, World Renew has so far distributed food packages and hygiene kits to 788 families through its networks of churches and partner organizations in Honduras to meet these families’ most immediate needs.
But for many communities, the damage from these storms will be long-lasting — crops ready to be harvested are now destroyed, plunging the region into a long-term food crisis. Damaged infrastructure and homes will take many months — even years — to rebuild.
“The devastation from the hurricanes is widespread, but the strength of our local communities and churches is a daily source of hope,” says Byron Zuniga Rosales from World Renew Honduras. “We are thankful for the support from donors and churches in the US and Canada who care so deeply about our communities. We know the road to recovery is a long one but the Lord is our strength.”
Lord, we pray for safety in the aftermath of these hurricanes as Hondurans face hunger, displacement, and the threat of further spread of COVID-19.