Celebrating changing the story of hunger

Already, the World Hunger Sunday Live event has raised nearly $30,000 USD, enough to equip 150 farmers to grow crops and feed their families for a year. In addition, hundreds of churches throughout North America gathered online and in-person to collect their own gifts and help bring food to every table. Those gifts will be mailed to World Renew over the coming month.

Together, we have accomplished much to change the story of hunger, and much remains to be done. That’s why, leading up to #GivingTuesday we plan to keep working.

Friends, we invite you to continue gathering support for the World Hunger campaign so we surpass $1 million to provide long term food security as well. We will be gathering donations through the month of November, with a final chance to give on #GivingTuesday.

In a year when all of us hunger for renewed hope and the peace of God’s presence, let us continue to share our blessings so every table gets its share of food.

This is how we change the story of hunger.

$200 equips a farmer to grow enough food to feed their family for a year.

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