In development, gender justice means that girls and boys, women and men, have equal opportunity to benefit from community projects, equal access to community resources, equal opportunity to make community decisions and equal opportunity to develop their talents.

Working for lasting gender justice involves activities that dig deep into relationships between men and women at home, at work, and in the church. Discussions about the gender roles can be difficult, as they often include sensitive topics and issues of debate. This is why World Renew staff members are trained to create a space where both men and women feel safe to share their experiences and opinions as they work together for reconciliation.

In Uganda, World Renew staff recently led a “Going deeper for gender justice“ training program for men and won in Kabale and Nebbi.

Male and female participants in Kabale and Nebbi set out to meet on a series of objectives related to understanding and 
practicing gender justice in their relationships and community interventions.


For some of the sessions, men and women learned and train together. In others, they were separated into 
peer groups for specific learning activities. (On the far right in the pink sweater is World Renew M&E Officer Allen Ankunda leading a session).


Nema C.M. Aluku, World Renew’s Gender Justice Champion for East Africa Ministry team, 
facilitating a session on the “Triple Roles” and 24-hour calendar for World Renew and partner staff in Uganda.


A group of men participating in the “bean game” (originally referred to as the “bead game”) – an activity designed to help 
them discuss sensitive issues. This tool, developed by Wyva Hasseblad of World Renew Senegal, is also useful for surveying 
participants who do not have the literacy skills to fill in a written survey.

A group of women participating in the “bean game.” The activity helps them to talk about making decisions in 
situations such as dowry negotiations, family planning, and financial choices among couples

Carol Musoke, World Renew Bridger for Uganda, leads a gender analysis tool with participants. 

Gender justice also means helping communities right some of the terrible things that have gone wrong between women and men:
domestic violence, early marriages, preferential treatment for boys over girls, sex trafficking, 
victimization of widows and single mothers, and unhealthy expressions of masculinity.


Raymond Mutava, World Renew Country Consultant in Uganda, facilitates a session on the biblical values of partnership between men and women. 1 Peter 4:10-11 is one example of a powerful scripture verse that speaks to gender justice: “Each one should use whatever gift they have received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.” 

Join World Renew in helping ensure that both men and women are supported, encouraged, and enabled to fulfill their God-given potential!  

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