When Hurricane Irene flooded their New Jersey home in 2011, Steve and Teresa were forced to move out. Then a year later, Hurricane Sandy flooded their unlivable house again, this time destroying all of their household possessions. Although the water was gone, the remaining moisture in the structure and walls began to cause mold and mildew to grow. Neither their insurance claim nor other assistance requests resulted in the funds they needed to rebuild.

“It wasn’t until World Renew DRS starting working on Steve and Theresa’s house that they felt some hope,” Ann said.

A Future With Hope, World Renew’s partner in Ocean County, New Jersey, identified Steve and Theresa’s needs and assigned the repairs to World Renew. Volunteers began work on their home in September 2015, and in the next three months they replaced the flooring and drywall, renovated the kitchen, and shingled the roof. 

“One evening, we invited Steve and Theresa to have dinner with our team,” Ann said. “Our devotions that evening were about Job, how he lost everything including his earthy possessions and his entire family, yet he steadfastly trusted in the Lord. Steve and Theresa took the opportunity to share more of their story with us.”

“Despite losing their son and their home, Steve and Theresa told us that they still have hope that can only come from the Lord”

The couple shared that their 13-year-old son, Ryan, passed away after losing a battle with childhood cancer. Steve and Theresa had experienced every parent’s nightmare, and their grief was visible. Steve memorialized their heart-wrenching loss with a tattoo that said, “Only God knows why.”

“Despite losing their son and their home, Steve and Theresa told us that they still have hope that can only come from the Lord,” Ann said. “We were moved by their testimony, and we were thankful for the opportunity to help them get back home.”

World Renew volunteers completed the repairs on Steve and Theresa’s home in December 2015, just in time for Christmas.