Five pastors from five different denominations came together to lead others in celebrating the gifts immigrants bring to communities.
Immigrants Are a Blessing Not a Burden is a movement that has connected with individuals across the United States in an effort to work toward immigration reform. This event held in Kalamazoo was one of many supported by World Renew and the Office of Social Justice as a way to change the conversation about immigrants.
Salazar’s thoughts mirror those of many others who understand firsthand the challenges undocumented immigrants face living in the United States. The myths circulating about immigrants have ostracized communities and discount the culture, ingenuity, and innovation immigrants bring to the United States.
To counteract these myths, people like Sara are starting to speak up.
Sara grew up in the United States without legal status and knows the difficulties of being undocumented. But in 2012 some of her obstacles were erased. Through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Sara could receive a renewable two-year work permit and exemption from deportation.
After connecting with Immigrants Are a Blessing Not a Burden, Sara felt empowered and committed to sharing her story with others. Similarly, a student had the courage to share his story with over 80 students and faculty from Gonzaga University at an Immigrants are a Blessing Not a Burden event.
Although he is a U.S. citizen, his mother and older sibling are not. They crossed the border illegally before he was born. Knowing the sacrifice his family made motivates him to work hard in school and use his voice to empower others to speak up.
With the help of stories like these people are unlearning that immigrants are a burden and seeing them as the blessings God created them to be. Immigrants are growing our churches and bringing their vibrant faith to our congregations. They are strengthening our economy, keeping our neighborhoods safe, and so much more.
Hundreds of people are making a difference and have already committed to changing the conversation in three main ways:
- Signing the pledge to commit to changing the conversation about immigrants and calling on congressional representatives to enact immigration policies that reflect that immigrants are a blessing, not a burden.
- Sharing on social media the facts and truths about how immigrants bless our churches, communities, and economy using the hashtag #BlessingNotBurden.
- Wearing the campaign tote bags, t-shirts, and sticker with the message that immigrants are a blessing, not a burden.
World Renew is partnering with the Office of Social Justice to bring awareness to the message of Blessing Not a Burden through various upcoming events across the country.
The next event will be held at Bethany CRC in Bellflower, CA on Saturday August 27, 2016 from 9AM-12PM. Click here for more information.