Middle East: Embracing People Experiencing Conflict

Middle East: Embracing People Experiencing Conflict

As a Christian organization committed to sharing God’s hope with all those who struggle with hunger and poverty—and the overwhelming hardships that natural disasters and human conflict create—World Renew continues to respond to the humanitarian crisis in the Middle East.

One year since the latest outbreak of conflict, there is tremendous need in the region. Thousands of families have lost loved ones in the violence. Millions of people are displaced, and many families, having lost their homes and livelihoods, are without access to the essentials of life—such as food, hygiene items, and shelter. Many have fled previous conflicts in the region and are now displaced once again.

As a humanitarian organization, World Renew knows there are no quick or easy solutions and yet we are called to be present and live our mission, regardless of the complexity or the risk. We humbly work where we are invited, where the needs are greatest, and where local authorities may not be able to be relied upon for relief or where they lack sufficient response capacity on their own. This is how World Renew, alongside our Christian partners, seeks to be neighbors demonstrating love; responding to the needs of ordinary people struggling in extraordinarily dire circumstances.

Through these partners, we support Christians of the Middle East so that they might be the hands and feet of Jesus in times of crisis, lending strength to the small but mighty space of Christian testimony across the region who are compelled to embrace, feed, and shelter those fleeing conflict and seeking refuge.

As one Christian partner working in Lebanon shared, “As we get to know these [displaced] families, they understand that the reason we serve is because we love Jesus, seek to obey his commands, and walk in his footsteps. That makes people want to know more about him. A lady we helped told me: ‘I see Jesus in you.’”

World Renew is supporting the efforts of our trusted partners working on the ground to share Christ’s hope with the most vulnerable families in the face of conflict. Currently, we are raising funds to provide items such as blankets, mattresses, hygiene items, and food to displaced families in the region.

Your gifts today will go to our Middle East Response Fund and help provide the essentials of life for those affected by this devastating conflict.


Pray for the Middle East

As conflict in the Middle East continues, we are praying for God’s hope, healing, and peace for people seriously affected by the events of the last year. Our enduring hope is for God’s peace to reign in the region.

Please join World Renew and its partners in praying for:


  • Families who have buried and grieve their loved ones

  • Children who go to bed scared of the sirens that remind them of the constant danger
  • Parents, spouses, and siblings who wait for news of safe return of their family member
  • The safety and protection of innocent civilians caught in the crossfire of violence
  • The release of the hostages and strength for their families as they cling to hope
  • God’s healing for those who have lost loved ones or have been injured in the ongoing violence
  • The elderly and vulnerable, including children, who are at the greatest risk of harm
  • Refugees and displaced people who find themselves in unstable circumstances once again
  • Access to safe shelter, clean water, and food for all displaced families in the region
  • Guidance for all humanitarian agencies—including our Christian partners—as they monitor current events, so they can safely deliver emergency supplies to the most vulnerable
  • Christians in the Middle East who desire to be a witness and find themselves threatened and in danger
  • World leaders with influence in the region to make wise decisions that lead to lasting peace for the Middle East and all its peoples

As a Christian organization committed to sharing God’s hope with all those who struggle with hunger and poverty—and the overwhelming hardships that natural disasters and human conflict create—World Renew continues to respond to the humanitarian crisis in the Middle East.

One year since the latest outbreak of conflict, there is tremendous need in the region. Thousands of families have lost loved ones in the violence. Millions of people are displaced, and many families, having lost their homes and livelihoods, are without access to the essentials of life—such as food, hygiene items, and shelter. Many have fled previous conflicts in the region and are now displaced once again.

As a humanitarian organization, World Renew knows there are no quick or easy solutions and yet we are called to be present and live our mission, regardless of the complexity or the risk. We humbly work where we are invited, where the needs are greatest, and where local authorities may not be able to be relied upon for relief or where they lack sufficient response capacity on their own. This is how World Renew, alongside our Christian partners, seeks to be neighbors demonstrating love; responding to the needs of ordinary people struggling in extraordinarily dire circumstances.

Through these partners, we support Christians of the Middle East so that they might be the hands and feet of Jesus in times of crisis, lending strength to the small but mighty space of Christian testimony across the region who are compelled to embrace, feed, and shelter those fleeing conflict and seeking refuge.

As one Christian partner working in Lebanon shared, “As we get to know these [displaced] families, they understand that the reason we serve is because we love Jesus, seek to obey his commands, and walk in his footsteps. That makes people want to know more about him. A lady we helped told me: ‘I see Jesus in you.’”

World Renew is supporting the efforts of our trusted partners working on the ground to share Christ’s hope with the most vulnerable families in the face of conflict. Currently, we are raising funds to provide items such as blankets, mattresses, hygiene items, and food to displaced families in the region.

Your gifts today will go to our Middle East Response Fund and help provide the essentials of life for those affected by this devastating conflict.


Pray for the Middle East

As conflict in the Middle East continues, we are praying for God’s hope, healing, and peace for people seriously affected by the events of the last year. Our enduring hope is for God’s peace to reign in the region.

Please join World Renew and its partners in praying for:

– Families who have buried and grieve their loved ones

– Children who go to bed scared of the sirens that remind them of the constant danger

– Parents, spouses, and siblings who wait for news of safe return of their family member

– The safety and protection of innocent civilians caught in the crossfire of violence

– The release of the hostages and strength for their families as they cling to hope

– God’s healing for those who have lost loved ones or have been injured in the ongoing violence

– The elderly and vulnerable, including children, who are at the greatest risk of harm

– Refugees and displaced people who find themselves in unstable circumstances once again

– Access to safe shelter, clean water, and food for all displaced families in the region

– Guidance for all humanitarian agencies—including our Christian partners—as they monitor current events, so they can safely deliver emergency supplies to the most vulnerable

– Christians in the Middle East who desire to be a witness and find themselves threatened and in danger

– World leaders with influence in the region to make wise decisions that lead to lasting peace for the Middle East and all its peoples