“The devastation was tremendous, as was the heat over the next three months. They had temperatures of around 100 degrees (38C), and there was no rain. Some of the homes that were damaged in the fire have been rebuilt over the last two and a half years, but many others have not. That is why we are here,” said World Renew disaster response volunteers Bruce and Laurie Hawley.

The Hawley’s placement in Bastrop is a visible example of the deepening partnership between the Reformed Church of America (RCA) and World Renew Disaster Response Services (DRS). The Hawleys have been hosting and coordinating volunteers with the RCA for 13 years. This year, through World Renew DRS, the Hawleys are spending six weeks in Bastrop hosting 90 volunteers from eight RCA churches across the US.

They and other World Renew DRS volunteers have been working on homes like Jake’s* while they are stationed in Bastrop. Jake’s house burned to the ground in the fire, and he was living in a trailer provided by FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) while rebuilding his home. However, when the temporary housing he was living in was removed from the community, Jake built and moved into an 8-foot by 8-foot, make-shift shelter. Reconstruction on his house came to a stand-still as his resources dried up.

Although he was leery about allowing strangers to work on his home, Jake gradually found encouragement in working alongside World Renew’s volunteers as they put up siding and trimmed the roof together. He also joined the volunteers for weekly fellowship dinners.

“People are really making a difference through World Renew DRS by helping homeowners like Jake to physically and emotionally rebuild a sense of hope in their lives"

“It’s been great to get to know Jake on a person-to-person basis. We’re not just helping him – We’re working with him to help rebuild his home,” Bruce said.

One afternoon, Jake felt comfortable enough with the volunteers to talk about his experiences during the fire. “We were blessed by his story and his appreciation for the work we were doing. We also discovered that one of the reasons that he was still living in the one small room that he built himself was that he was out helping other people rebuild their damaged homes!” Laurie said. “It was a blessing to serve someone like Jake, who was helping others while he was also in need of help.”

The groups that worked on Jake’s house included members of Meredith Drive Reformed Church in Des Moines, Iowa. Meredith RCA has volunteered with World Renew DRS for several years. The week that they worked with Jake on his house had special meaning for everyone.

“Our scripture verse for the week was Colossians 3:17,” said Judy Applegate , leader for the group, ‘And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.’

“Every one of our volunteers, from 82 years old to our 16 years old, was committed to being fully aware of serving Christ while we served Jake. We developed a close relationship with him, and we continue to pray for him and the Holy Spirit's ongoing work in him.”

Over the weeks that World Renew volunteers worked on Jake’s house, they replaced floor joists, load-bearing ceiling beams, interior walls, siding, insulation, drywall, sheet rock, entry doors, soffits, eaves, baseboards, and did exterior trim work and painting.

World Renew volunteers regularly report that they not only helped restore someone’s home by putting up drywall, painting, roofing, or laying flooring, but that the relationships they developed within their team and with homeowners have a lasting impact on their lives.

“People are really making a difference through World Renew DRS by helping homeowners like Jake to physically and emotionally rebuild a sense of hope in their lives,” Laurie said.

If you or your church would like to organize a mission trip to help rebuild homes after a disaster, get in touch with World Renew DRS. There are needs across the country nearly every week of the year; there’s a perfect fit for your group.

Contact our office at 800-848-5818 or email [email protected].


*Name changed to protect privacy.