World Renew was rated an overall “A-“ grade based on averaged scores in efficiency and transparency.
Moneysense sourced financial data from research organization Charity Intelligence, assessing charities on financial efficiency in fundraising and administration as well as social transparency in making financial data available so that donors can make informed giving decisions. You can find the report and methodology link here:
Find World Renew’s most recent ministry report and audited financial statements here:
“Many thanks to World Renew’s board, staff members, volunteers, and donors who work diligently and contribute generously to alleviate global poverty and hunger,” said World Renew Canada Director Ida Kaastra-Mutoigo. “May God continue to be glorified as we serve Him and His people around the world: it is only by His grace that we ‘live and move and have our being.’”
Beth DeGraff, Media Contact, [email protected] or 800-552-7972