Join over 1,100 churches and groups partnering with World Renew each year through prayer, advocacy, and financial support. Your efforts empower us to minister to over 650,000 people in 30 different countries.



Join over 1,100 churches partnering with World Renew each year through prayer, advocacy, and financial support. Your efforts help change the story of poverty for over 1 million people annually in 30 different countries.

Somewhere in the world, a struggling community will achieve food security, access clean water, adapt to climate change, grow their income, or recover from disaster because your church or group stepped forward to give.

Join in this transformative work, and help families build a path out of poverty.

Your monthly gift of $27 frees a family from poverty with food, income generation, education, and health and nutrition.

While a one-time gift changes a life, the gifts of an entire church or group can transform a community.

Download free World Renew resources today!

Impact Statistics


People in North America have recovered from hurricanes, floods, droughts and tornadoes thanks to World Renew Disaster Response Services.


Displaced Syrian families have received ongoing emergency food deliveries and vouchers during Syria’s Civil War thanks to World Renew’s work.


People around the world have made gains towards long-term food security in 2021 thanks to World Renew.


Families in Kenya during 2019 gained access to clean and safe drinking water thanks to World Renew clean water programming.

There are many pathways out of poverty, but none of them are possible without the support of churches and groups like yours. What pathway to hope will you partner with World Renew to build this coming year?