Sierra Leone
World Renew has worked in Sierra Leone since 1979. Today, World Renew carries out programming with our local partner to strengthen local infrastructure, and to improve families’ food security and livelihoods.
From 1991 to 2002, Sierra Leone suffered from a devastating civil war which killed an estimated 70,000 people and left millions displaced. While Sierra Leone has experienced economic growth in recent years, the effects of the civil war continue to be felt. Reconstruction of housing, roads, and water and sanitation systems continue to be ongoing needs. More than 60% of the rural population in Sierra Leone still lives below the poverty line, and they struggle to meet their daily needs.
World Renew works with rural communities to promote reconstruction, food security, and economic opportunities. Communities are strengthening infrastructure by building drying floors for drying grain, wells for drinking water and crop irrigation, and seed and grain storage facilities. Many farmers are benefiting from training in climate-adaptive farming techniques to improve food security. Communities are also participating in village savings and loan groups, which provide capital to start small local businesses and micro-enterprises.

“I am so grateful to God for the support we have; now I can grow rice and have food for my family.”
– Poreh Mansaray, mother and farmer