The Lompo family lives deep in the bush in Yalwa, Niger. Their small compound of grass-thatched huts is within range of the compounds of many other families. Gardens are within the village limits and beyond. Two schools, built with funds from World Renew’s partner SEL (Showing Everyone Love) are a ten minute walk away.

Their small compound of grass-thatched huts is within range of the compounds of many other families. Gardens are within the village limits and beyond. Three classrooms, built with funds from World Renew's partner SEL (Showing Everyone Love) are a ten minute walk away.
Galdji (pronounced Gal-gi) and his wife Djabo (pronounced J-ah-bo) are not just the hearts of their family, they seem to be the hearts of their community too.
They are busy all day long, providing for their seven children. Djabo is mainly busy with cooking. Galdji is both farmer and entrepreneur, growing crops, raising livestock, making and selling cane furniture. There are four boys in the family: Djagounda, Issaka, Toma, and Esekiel. The three girls are Ana, Louta, and little Dakassa.  All but the youngest child go to school and help with chores, like building the chicken coop with homemade bricks.  The older of the children help take care of the younger children, in addition to their various tasks.
Once simply a participant in trainings, Galdji now plays a leadership role in SEL's twenty-year-old development program. He visits other villages to help with many activities, including teaching an agricultural method called SRI (System of Rice Intensification) which helps to yield more rice. He also shows how to dig zai holes and half-moon trenches, to help contain rainfall and irrigate crops in a region that is very arid. 
Galdji and Djabo are also part of a SEL savings group, which helps them build their small business and invest in new animals. 

This month World Renew is pleased to introduce five new familes through the Free a Family program. Over 3,000 people support World Renew's community development work in five regions of the world through this special program. 

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