Sharing the Hope: Fighting COVID-19 in Lebanon

Sharing the Hope: Fighting COVID-19 in Lebanon

outline of lebanon

Watch World Renew and MERATH’s work in action as they provide much-needed hope to Syrian families.

Life is challenging and overwhelming for Najwa and her family and now COVID-19 has made even the most difficult situations seem impossible.

Najwa lives in a one-room tent in a refugee camp in Lebanon with her husband, their three children, her brother-in-law, his wife, and their three toddlers. Their life in Syria before the war was a happy one, but once ISIS took control, they fled and have been in Lebanon for the last four years.

“There is no work. We do not have enough to afford food to feed our family,” Najwa shared.

But there is hope. World Renew in partnership with MERATH has enabled local churches to deliver hygiene kits along with regular food distributions to vulnerable displaced families living in Syria and Lebanon.

“The local church has been so helpful, giving us food, toilet paper, soap and other supplies,” continued Najwa.

Thank you for giving Najwa, her family, and thousands of other displaced Syrian families a moment of hope as they face this new crisis of COVID-19.

Please give today to support World Renew’s International COVID-19 Response, which will allow us to continue to deliver hygiene kits and regular food distributions to vulnerable displaced families living in Syria and Lebanon.
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