Improving the health of communities is a critical part of our work. More than 15,000 children under five die every day—many from malnutrition and illnesses that are easily preventable.

When communities do not have access to basic healthcare, clean water and sanitation, and adequate nutrition, they cannot flourish. Help World Renew give vital healthcare to communities around the world.


Improving the health of communities is a critical part of our work. More than 15,000 children under five die every day—many from malnutrition and illnesses that are easily preventable.

When communities do not have access to basic healthcare, clean water and sanitation, and adequate nutrition, they cannot flourish. Help World Renew give vital healthcare to communities around the world.

Deliver Hope. Save Lives.

Your gift equips health volunteers in communities around the world to deliver life-saving help to mothers and children, changing countless lives for generations.

Join our maternal child health work and give moms and their children a healthy start today.


How We Improve Global Health

Clean water, strong hygiene practices, and maternal and child nutrition have more impact on growth and community development than most people think. Good health affects every aspect of a community, from child development to social experiences to economic well-being.

At World Renew, we’re working to nourish children and mothers, provide clean water and sanitation, and help protect the health of the most vulnerable, including those living with HIV. Through community education projects, improving access to local healthcare services, and training of health volunteers, World Renew works with local communities to ensure their vital health needs are met.

Join us in our journey to improve the health and futures of families facing poverty.


The well-being of mothers, infants, and children determine the health of the next generation and the future of a community. But in many countries, mothers face life-or-death situations throughout their pregnancies and as they raise their children simply because they do not have access to the nutrition or medical care they need.

We train community health volunteers to monitor the health and nutrition of mothers and young children, with a focus on the first 1,000 days of a child’s life.

HIV has devastated many families around the world. HIV and AIDS treatments have improved the life spans of those diagnosed with HIV, but not all communities have equal access to the healthcare they need.

We help communities affected by HIV to access better opportunities for care. We help facilitate access to clinics and healthcare centers to improve the well-being of those living with HIV and AIDS, while also breaking down stigmas through education and awareness.

Clean water is essential to good health, but for 2.4 billion people globally clean water is only a dream. When you give to World Renew, you can help make that dream a reality. Contaminated drinking water and lack of sanitation are leading causes of preventable disease, especially in children.

Along with local communities, we help to establish safe, consistent water sources and teach families proper sanitation and life-saving hygiene practices.

Learn more in our capability statement

Help World Renew Fight Poverty

Poverty and inequality lead to people dying from preventable causes. Give today to help vulnerable communities.