(HONDURAS) Glad tidings we send to you from Honduras. As we come together to celebrate God’s gift to us, we also wish to celebrate your gifts to Honduras. Both at World Renew and Christian Reformed World Missions, we are able to celebrate the gift of transformed lives.

As we come together to celebrate God’s gift to us, we also wish to celebrate your gifts to Honduras. Both at World Renew and Christian Reformed World Missions, we are able to celebrate the gift of transformed lives. Your partnership with us has made these gifts possible through the dedication of a group of talented, God-called Christians. Through these people, the gift of love and transformation was channeled to..

  • 85 young people who were trained to mentor 380 other young people.
  • 47 families who successfully completed the strong family program.
  • 80 congregations who are worshipping as God’s family.
  • 140 people who received training in functional literacy skills.
  • 150 community leaders who were trained and supported in participatory needs assessment and planning.
  • 1,294 vulnerable children who are weighed and monitored regularly and receive vitamins and medicines to combat malnutrition and illness.
  • 25 Christians who were trained as Christian education leaders.
  • more than 895 people who gained access to credit and savings services through 29 credit unions.

This year, World Renew in Honduras hosted 12 North American teams totaling 130 North Americans who were involved in developing relationships of mutual support and love in communities all over our beautiful country. Thanks for all of your support!

In addition to the achievements of our programs and projects, during this special time of celebrating the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I want to share about His love and mercy to each of us. I also want to remind you that Jesus came to purify us from all of our sins by shedding His blood on Calvary and leaving a message of love: “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.” 1 John 3:16

Thank you for all of your love, expressed through your unconditional support for the needy in Honduras. I pray that God will pour many blessings on each congregation, family, and individual that makes this ministry in Honduras possible.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 
Thank you for your encouragement, prayers, and love for Honduras. Your friends—your brothers and sisters in Honduras—pray that the peace of God be in your families, that love will reign in your hearts, and that you receive God's blessings during this joyous season.

Blessings from the World Renew Honduras Team. 

Irene Zepeda de Murillo

Country Consultant
World Renew Honduras