
World Renew has been working in Honduras since 1974.


World Renew has been working in Honduras since 1974.


With the disaster of Hurricane Mitch in 1998, it has been estimated that Honduras regressed economically about 20 years. As a result, World Renew expects to continue its work to improve the spiritual and economic well being of low-income families in both rural and urban centers.

Food Security

Economic Opportunity

Community Health

Peace and Justice

Disaster Response


Alfalit offers programs in literacy, basic education, preschool, health, nutrition, and community development.

Asociación Para una Sociedad más Justa: World Renew and AJS work to promote justice and human rights from a Christian perspective. AJS is a Honduran Christian justice organization working for a society where justice prevails especially for the most vulnerable. AJS believes that this society can be achieved through just legislation, its equitable application and the participation of churches, society and the State. Therefore, AJS works with churches and community members to train them about Christian values, labor rights defense, land rights, and women’s rights. They also support Legal and Counselling Clinics in communities that had formerly been without access to legal or psychological assistance.

Diaconía Nacional de la Iglesia Cristiana Reformada de Honduras: Through Diaconía Nacional, World Renew is helping farmers learn new agricultural techniques, as well as improved ways to handle their finances. As a result, farmers are able to increase their production and buy and develop more land. World Renew and Diaconía Nacional are also training church leaders in Christian leadership so that they can coordinate various projects to meet community needs. Diaconía Nacional works in Transformational Community Development as well. This year they are developing projects in the South and Northeast zones of the country. These projects include health programs where children’s growth is monitored, and adults learn improved sanitation and nutrition. They also include community credit unions, where men and women meet together, save regularly, and provide loans to each other from their pooled savings.

Ministerios Cristianos de Mayordomía: MCM is a Christian organization, born out of the Brethren churches in Honduras. MCM has developed a successful program of income generation in Nueva Suyapa, an urban, marginal neighbourhood of the capital city Tegucigalpa. For example, teaching women community members in savings and small business management and projects such as community gardens. This partner is also working for transformational community development in its target communities.