If grades were given to community promoters, Francisco Arcos López deserves an A+. Francisco lives in Arroyo Encanto in the Chiapas state of southern Mexico.

The nearest pharmacy is several hours away, so knowledge of the healing effects of local plants is important. Dicaonía Chiapas, World Renew’s partner in Chiapas, has been training local promoters to recognize which plants are beneficial and how to use them. After one session, Francisco went out and made a collection of all the plants he could find, identified them, and dried them for future use. The community now knows that the nearest pharmacy is in Francisco’s house! Since many plants are more potent when fresh, the next step is to plant a community garden with medicinal plants so they are even more accessible and effective! 

Ups and Downs
I was painfully reminded of the ups and downs of development during an evaluation of our work with Diaconía Chiapas in February. Diaconía had been making great strides for years. One of the most exciting was increased participation of women, even at the assembly level. Also, there was evidence of great community potential in Nueva Samaria, where members of the Reformed Presbyterian Church were excited about working with the whole community to increase food security and reduce illness.

However, it was difficult to hear about back-tracking at the organizational level when the long-term director and the next two appointees resigned, the latter after only a month or so. Community surveys and plans have disappeared; training methodologies were discontinued; and the rhythm of progress slowed dramatically.

We praise God that existing community-level accomplishments continue despite these partner agency set-backs.

Please pray that under the leadership of the new director, Pascual Arcos Vásquez, Diaconía will recover lost ground and regain a rhythm of progress as it accompanies communities in their process of transformation. 

Personal Update
There were two special events in March:

  • We hosted Leanne’s uncle and aunt for several days, during which we stayed with Pastor Adonis’s family in Mangulile and hiked in La Tigra National Park. Not much held them back, and we saw new sites in Honduras.
  • We attended an inspiring three-day spiritual retreat in Nicaragua with other CRCNA agency staff.

Please join us in prayer


  • An exciting discussion at a January meeting of reps from most of the regions of the CRC-Honduras has led to efforts to create more unity in the denomination, which currently functions as a loose federation of churches. An important meeting is planned for April 4 to lay the foundations for regional and national unity. Praise God for this movement and pray that it will receive wide support! 
  • After World Renew successfully relocated 140 families from a tent camp in Haiti, funds were received for a similar process with two other camps in Port-au-Prince. Pray that the residents in these camps will soon be in relocated to better conditions.


  • In May, Caspar and three leaders of the CRC-Honduras will receive training from the Centro de Educación Teológica Integral (CETI) in El Salvador. Pray that they are able to implement the program in Honduras. 
  • At the end of June, Moises Colop will retire after 35 years with World Renew in Guatemala. Pray for God’s leading to select a replacement for such a wise and experienced colleague as well as God’s blessing on Moises’s future.

Thank you for your continued support.  


Leanne and Caspar Geisterfer

Latin America Team Leader
World Renew Honduras