The Presbyterian Kanjobal Service Committee (COSPREK) is one of the organizations that World Renew is supporting, and Laguna Nueva Linda is one of the communities where COSPREK is working. Last March a team from Escalon CRC came again to connect with, learn about, work with, and support these efforts, especially in Laguna Nueva Linda, providing a donation this year for the construction of a kitchen and dining room for the students of the school.

The Presbyterian Kanjobal Service Committee (COSPREK) is one of the organizations that World Renew is supporting, and Laguna Nueva Linda is one of the communities where COSPREK is working. Last March a team from Escalon CRC came again to connect with, learn about, work with, and support these efforts, especially in Laguna Nueva Linda, providing a donation this year for the construction of a kitchen and dining room for the students of the school. 

The objective of the project was to create an adequate space where food can be prepared for the students at school. Before this initiative the school had a small space that did not meet minimum health standards. In addition, a participatory rural assessment in the community prioritized this project because of the community’s desire to ensure health for students and to prevent illness.

This building does not have an owner; it is for the benefit of children and mothers and belongs to God.

During the five-day visit the Escalon team, community members, COSPREK, and World Renew staff were able to experience the mercy and love of God through the special moments and activities they shared together, especially in worship to God without language barriers. The participants felt and highlighted the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit in their midst.

Other activities included a meeting with the youth and community leaders in which everyone shared experiences about the ministry, noting the strengths and challenges that both churches have in different contexts. The Escalon team also visited the community of Nueva San Francisco and the project they supported last year, seeing the impact it has made for the people and how it has helped to improve health conditions.

During the visit one member of the team also led an extraordinary training about reusable menstrual pads for women in the community of Sachan, teaching them how to make these items and to improve their health and economic conditions. During most of the visit both men and women from the Escalon team worked in different ways in the building of the school kitchen and dining room, sharing their knowledge, skills, and amazing stories with the community members who were also working on the project. After the team left Guatemala, the community members were happy and hopeful, being thankful for the support given and for the opportunity to share with the Escalon members again. 

After the Escalon CRC visit, COSPREK and World Renew staff monitored the remaining three months of work on the project, and on July 16 both organizations participated in the inauguration of the completed kitchen. About 60 men, women, and children celebrated this event together. The teacher and director of the school prepared an agenda with different activities involving everyone in the community.

Pastor Mario (COSPREK president) opened the event with prayer and the reading of Scripture from Acts 4:32, saying, “The believers shared their possessions, and all the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.” Highlighting the support given by Escalon CRC, the pastor said, “Escalon showed us the importance of sharing, and they shared with us and supported us with this building. Now we have to do the same. This building does not have an owner; it is for the benefit of children and mothers and belongs to God. They (Escalon) also showed us how to work as a team and how, working as a team, we can accomplish our goals.” 

Also participating were the COSPREK coordinator, the teacher and director of the school, the local government authorities, and the community development council. And between each address, children from various grades performed special dances, to the enjoyment of all. The event then closed in prayer with special gratitude to God for the work of Escalon CRC, COSPREK, and World Renew. 

The teacher and director of the school, Joselito Pérez, added, “Greetings and special thanks to the Escalon Church in California. This project is already creating a huge impact on the children, not only in their health but also psychologically; they are more motivated. And the mothers that prepare the meals now have an adequate place and conditions, improving their health, and they are more motivated because of the new equipment that they have.”

Prayer Items

  • Pray for the Presidential Elections in Guatemala and the political situation that is currently happening with the trial of Otto Perez Molina.

  • Pray that this can make us become more a united community that is less tolerant to corruption and more vigilant toward our elected leaders. 


Sadoc Aguilar Palma

Program Consultant