Gift Catalog: Mobility2024-09-26T12:26:29+00:00

The gift of movement! Mobility provides a means of transportation to schools, to move throughout the community, and to sell goods.


The gift of movement! Mobility provides a means of transportation to schools, to move throughout the community, and to sell goods.

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  • Where Needed Most

    There are many great items in this catalog to use your donation well, including giving where it can do the most good! When you choose to give “where needed most,” World Renew directs your gift to areas of great need around the world, where it can do the greatest good in communities experiencing poverty. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Children in remote villages often live too far from a school to walk there, so they only complete a few years of basic education. Your gift of a bicycle for a child, especially girls, helps them finish school. Help kids get on the move to a better future. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Bicycle

    A bicycle provides transportation for local volunteers who often travel long distances between communities. Your gift helps World Renew trained volunteers to visit homes and farms to assist families with their vital health and food security needs. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Wheelchair

    You can give a person living with a disability a chance to live a fulfilling, productive life with the gift of mobility. A wheelchair improves daily life and gives people access to education, work, dignity, and respect within the community. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Here are a few of your favorite things from last year’s catalog. We put them all together into one big bunch of goodness called the best seller bundle. Your most-loved gifts bring families who live in poverty opportunities for better health and hygiene, more food and income, and well-being with hope. 1 Goat - $50 1 Chicken - $3 Goats & Quackers (five ducks and two goats) - $155 The Whole Barnyard - $2515 A Friendship Pack - $62 A Family-sized Water Filter - $90 The Herd - $255 1 Bicycle - $105 10 Bars of Soap - $5 Where Needed Most - $50 **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**

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