“Like the four countries facing extreme hunger crises today,” writes Jason Patinkin, a reporter with IRIN, “the famine that gripped Ethiopia from 1983 to 1985 struggled for attention until it was far too late.”

In the end, nearly one million Ethiopians died during that famine.

In the end, nearly one million Ethiopians died during that famine.

We are confronted with a similar situation today. Millions are living on the edge of catastrophe as famine threatens communities throughout the African continent. The world needs to know more about this crisis. Many have already been moved by compassion to support this important work, but increased support is greatly needed.

In communities throughout Ethiopia, Nigeria, Uganda, and Kenya, World Renew is already providing assistance, before it’s too late. World Renew is able to respond early because of its strong network of local partners. In Ethiopia, for example, World Renew is working with the Ethiopian Kale Haywet Church (EKHC) to provide food assistance to some of the most vulnerable, including the elderly, disabled, and female-headed households. World Renew has had a strong partnership with the EKHC since 2011, having provided nearly $2.5 million in assistance to 71,245 people through 12 different projects.

By working through trusted local organizations, World Renew:

  • Increases Project Efficiency: Local staff know the context and needs of the community and put  World Renew in a better place to get the support to those who need it most as quickly as possible
  • Promotes Local Ownership: When a disaster, like drought or famine, strikes a community, World Renew responds. However, World Renew cannot remain in this community indefinitely. By working through local partners, World Renew ensures that the community is stronger and better able to cope should another disaster strike, and not dependent on the provision of aid.
  • Ensures Accountability: By working with a local partner, World Renew knows exactly where the assistance is going and is able to ensure that the generous support that we receive from donors goes to where it’s supposed to go.

Through the work of organizations like the Ethiopian Kale Haywet Church, hope is being restored for thousands experiencing debilitating circumstances caused by drought and famine this year. World Renew is thankful for the incredible local partners that make this work possible.

Please consider generously supporting World Renew’s response to drought and famine, enabling our local partners to provide much needed assistance to thousands of families who don’t know where their next meal will come from.

Those affected by drought and famine in 2017 in 23 countries (Graphic taken from FSIN Global Report on Food Crises)


Photo Credit: Christena Dowsett/World Concern