On November 1, World Renew’s Canadian Director, Ida Kaastra Mutoigo, was among those elected to a four year term on the new governing board of ACT Alliance, a coalition of 150 churches and faith-based organizations working together in over 125 countries.
She was elected by delegates of the 3rd General Assembly of ACT Alliance gathered in Uppsala, Sweden. She was also elected to serve on the executive committee, which is a smaller group of seven people derived from the entire board.
“I am deeply grateful for World Renew’s membership in ACT Alliance and it is an honor to serve on the board of ACT Alliance, first of all because I recognize that I am here by God’s grace,” said Mutoigo.

The Governing Board has the overall responsibility for the governance of the ACT Alliance between General Assemblies.
As a member of ACT Alliance, World Renew can connect to local church organizations in countries where we don’t already have a presence. When a disaster strikes, for example, ACT Alliance issues a global broadcast and invites members to respond. Members that can or want to respond have access to funding and must coordinate their response plan with the other members responding. This increases the effectiveness of the overall response.
World Renew’s membership in ACT Alliance also provides access to valuable learning resources and advocacy opportunities, especially those related to the work advancing gender injustice and addressing climate change. “I am excited by ACT Alliance’s focus on the church and its role at all levels, from community to international, and that this is a time when ACT members want to see more youth and young adult engagement,” Mutoigo said. “I appreciate that ACT’s new strategy focuses on strengthening the country and regional forums and look forward to the implementation of a new membership model for greater involvement by each of the members not just based on their economic assets but also on their contribution of expertise and time.”
Mutoigo is especially passionate about the role churches and Christian leaders have in responding to God’s call to extend and experience God’s redemptive power in places where people are suffering. The role of ACT Alliance is to stand, as churches together, with those who suffer, and to be a long term witness that Christ is real and he loves in the deepest way. By strengthening the local church, com unity change is sustainable and long-lasting.
“In ACT Alliance, we are called to ACT, as CHURCH and TOGETHER with God,” she said. “So in my role on the board, I am committed to serve in ways that support this alliance to act for hope and put people who suffer first so ALL people and communities may flourish.”
Full list of new governing board members:
Isabel Phiri – World Council of Churches, Permanent Seat
Maria Immonen – The Lutheran World Federation (LWF), Global – Permanent Seat
Minnieanne Mata Calub – National Council of Churches Philippines, Asia
Karen Janjua – Community World Service Asia, Asia
Qiu Zhonghui – Amity Foundation, Asia
Tegwende Léonard Kinda – Dignus, Burkina Faso, Africa
Girma Borishe – Ethiopian Evangelical Church Makane Yesus – Development and Social Services Commission (EECMY-DASSC), Africa
Simangaliso Hove – Lutheran Development Services Zimbabwe, Africa
Dragan M. Makojevic – Philanthropy, The Charitable of the Serbian Orthodox Church, East Europe
Erik Lysén – Church of Sweden, West Europe
Martin Kessler – Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe, West Europe
Birgitte Qvist-Sorensen – DanChurchAid, West Europe
Joel Ortega Dopico – Cuban Council of Churches, Latin America and the Caribbean
Marta Judith Castañeda Amaya – Centro Evangélico de Estudios Pastorales en Centro América (CEDEPCA), Latin America and the Caribbean
Nicolás Rosenthal – Fundación Protestante Hora de Obrar, Latin America and the Caribbean
Ramzi Ibrahim Issa Zananiri – Department of Service to Palestinian Refugee: DSPR, Middle East
Rev. Dr Bob Mitchell – Anglican Overseas Aid, Pacific
Rev. Dr Laurie Ann Kraus – Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Presbyterian Church, USA, North America
Ida Kaastra-Mutoigo – World Renew, North America.
The Membership and Nominations Committee has two broad functions: to advise and make recommendations on membership issues and to prepare slates for election to the Governing Board.
List of new membership and nominations committee members:
Caterina Bain – Centro Regional Ecuménico de Asesoría y Servicio (CREAS), Latin America and the Caribbean
Jouni Hemberg – Finn Church Aid (FCA), Europe
Melton Luhanga – Churches Action in Relief and Development (CARD), Africa
Arshinta Soemarsono – YAKKUM/YEU, Asia
Elsa Tesfay – The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF), North America
Photo credit (top): Albin Hillert/ACT