• In a crisis, our International Disaster response team provides emergency food and other staples. You can provide a month of food to a family experiencing a natural disaster or conflict. Your gift includes a four-week supply of beans, rice, cooking oil, and other staples to feed a family in urgent need.
  • A jab planter is a hand tool that helps a farmer jab a hole and then plant a seed. Your gift of this labor-saving device helps save a farmer’s time and energy at planting time. Help a farmer grow more food more easily. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • A kitchen garden provides a family with nutritious vegetables right outside their door. When space is tight, a sack garden is a great way to add fresh produce to meals and cooking. Give a kitchen garden kit that includes 5 sacks and 5 seed packets to grow food for good health. Just add water and sunshine! **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Latrine

    Provide a family with building materials for a clean, safe latrine. Your gift helps eliminate the spread of diseases, and also includes training in proper hygiene and sanitation practices. Because everyone needs a place to go. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Loop Hoe

    A loop hoe is a simple farm tool for weeding that helps a homesteading family raise more food to eat and sell for income. This tool saves time, increases crop yields, and ultimately contributes to a family's overall health and wellbeing. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Deworming medicine treats parasitic infections in children, which can cause malnutrition, pain, and discomfort. Give a child the chance to live a full, healthy life. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Help children in remote villages improve their reading skills with a traveling library. Send books on the road with this motorbike and trailer! Give students opportunities to develop their intelligence, imagination, and a life-long love of learning. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • When children don’t get the food they need to be healthy, your gift of a nutrition kit can supplement their diet to ensure that they get the vitamins and nutrients they need to help them grow big and strong. With a kit, you will give vitamins, medicine to stop parasites, and soybeans to make soy milk. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Fruit trees produce food during difficult times when other crops may fail. You can give a farmer a tree sapling to plant that will produce guava, papaya, mango, or citrus fruit. These trees also provide income, medicine, shade, soil restoration, natural compost, reforestation, and protection from the environment. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Help a farmer start to earn income from fish farming with the gift of a pond to raise fish. Ponds can vary in size and construction; they are earthen, concrete, or plastic depending on the location and the kind of fish raised. Your gift of a fish pond also provides training in business start-up and fish management. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Your gift of soybeans to grow to make soymilk provides young children with essential nutrients for good health. World Renew health volunteers teach parents to make soymilk by soaking and boiling the beans in water so they can supplement their child’s diet with nutrients for proper growth. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Here are a few of your favorite things from last year’s catalog. We put them all together into one big bunch of goodness called the best seller bundle. Your most-loved gifts bring families who live in poverty opportunities for better health and hygiene, more food and income, and well-being with hope. 1 Goat - $50 1 Chicken - $3 Goats & Quackers (five ducks and two goats) - $155 The Whole Barnyard - $2515 A Friendship Pack - $62 A Family-sized Water Filter - $90 The Herd - $255 1 Bicycle - $105 10 Bars of Soap - $5 Where Needed Most - $50 **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • The Farm Team bundle includes one of each animal in the catalog: a goat, pig, piglet, rabbit, duck, rooster, and chicken all made the team! This gift provides families around the world with more food, milk, eggs, and income to feed and support themselves as they work towards leaving poverty behind. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • The Herd

    The herd contains one of each of these animals: a goat, a pig, piglet and a rabbit. They provide a farmer with free fertilizer to grow more food to eat, as well as milk, meat, and enough income to support their family all year! **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • This gift includes 10 goats, 8 pigs, 4 piglets, 25 ducks, 15 rabbits, 50 chickens, and 5 roosters and farmer training in how to raise them. Fill a whole barnyard with noisy, healthy animals from World Renew and help families with enough food, better nutrition, a stable income, and hope for tomorrow! **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Hand tools help farmers get their work done. Green manure improves the soil, a jab planter helps in sowing seeds, and a loop hoe eases weeding in small spaces. Your gift of these 3 tools helps a family grow enough food to eat year-round, pay for essentials, and improve their health and wellbeing. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • This 16-lesson resource is offered in collaboration with the Trauma Healing Institute and used by trained facilitators to lead small groups in healing wounds of the heart. Your gift helps displaced people overcome violence, abuse, crime, and accidents. Offered in Hausa, English, and French languages. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Help the Türkiye and Syria earthquake survivors by providing emergency food and clean drinking water during this devastating time. Millions of children and families are suffering and need your help. Please give now to help survivors with the emergency supplies they so desperately need.
  • Traditional foods like rice and corn provide calories, but a more varied diet is needed for long-term good health. Your gift of vegetable seed varieties provides families with spinach, beans, carrots, tomatoes, and other fresh produce that has the vitamins and minerals required for a long, healthy life. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Your gift of vitamins for a child provides the nutrients they need to grow up strong and healthy. Supplementing a child’s diet with the vitamins and minerals they need helps build good health for a lifetime. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • People who live in low-income communities often do not have access to banks or loan programs. When you give a Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) Starter Kit through World Renew, local families can save funds, give low interest, and invest in their future. A VSLA Starter Kit includes a secure savings box, records books, and training for the group. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Wheelchair

    You can give a person living with a disability a chance to live a fulfilling, productive life with the gift of mobility. A wheelchair improves daily life and gives people access to education, work, dignity, and respect within the community. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Where Needed Most

    There are many great items in this catalog to use your donation well, including giving where it can do the most good! When you choose to give “where needed most,” World Renew directs your gift to areas of great need around the world, where it can do the greatest good in communities experiencing poverty. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**

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