• Low-income homeowners in North America who survive a tornado, flood, or hurricane often need help to make their homes safe and livable again. Your gift of clean-up after a disaster through World Renew Disaster Response Services provides volunteer labor, cleaning supplies, and mold removal. Give disaster survivors the chance to return to a safe, dry home.
  • Herd

    The herd contains one of each of these animals: a goat, a pig, piglet and a rabbit. They provide a farmer with free fertilizer to grow more food to eat, as well as milk, meat, and enough income to support their family all year! **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • A direct seeder allows farmers to plant their fields while preserving the soil’s fertility. The seeder is an effective tool that drops fertilizer and one seed at a time into the ground. Your gift of a direct seeder can help 3 to 5 farmers to grow more food for their community. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Farm Team

    The Farm Team bundle includes one of each animal in the catalog: a goat, pig, piglet, rabbit, duck, rooster, and chicken all made the team! This gift provides families around the world with more food, milk, eggs, and income to feed and support themselves as they work towards leaving poverty behind. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Help a farmer start to earn income from fish farming with the gift of a pond to raise fish. Ponds can vary in size and construction; they are earthen, concrete, or plastic depending on the location and the kind of fish raised. Your gift of a fish pond also provides training in business start-up and fish management. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • This data bundle engages church leaders and members in a weekly course to explore Bible passages. The study teaches about God’s care for people who are vulnerable and oppressed, and inspires learners to reach out to their neighbors. Includes an initial meeting, enrollment, app, and data. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • In tropical climates, the sun can be harsh and quickly wilts tender plants. Your gift of a shade net or greenhouse protects a farmer’s crops from heat stress, helps increase production, and results in better prices at the market. A shade net or greenhouse also protects crops from insects and birds. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • A Farmer Field School Starter Pack has all that a community needs to launch a group of farmers into earning more income. This gift includes a half-acre of land, seeds, gloves, boots, and farming tools. It also includes training in agriculture and crop storage for food access year-round. Help farmers end hunger in their communities.  **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Help farmers learn new agriculture techniques so that they can grow more food to eat and sell. Agriculture training includes lessons in soil conservation, composting, and low-till techniques, while also giving farmers access to climate-adaptive seeds and tools. Help families achieve real food security. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • In a crisis, our International Disaster response team provides emergency food and other staples. You can provide a month of food to a family experiencing a natural disaster or conflict. Your gift includes a four-week supply of beans, rice, cooking oil, and other staples to feed a family in urgent need.
  • Pig

    Your gift of a sow (female pig) through World Renew allows a family to breed it and sell the piglets to other farmers who raise them for income. The family also gives one piglet from the first litter to help another farm family start a pig-breeding business. That way, the whole community can benefit! **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Wheelchair

    You can give a person living with a disability a chance to live a fulfilling, productive life with the gift of mobility. A wheelchair improves daily life and gives people access to education, work, dignity, and respect within the community. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • People who live in low-income communities often do not have access to banks or loan programs. When you give a Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) Starter Kit through World Renew, local families can save funds, give low interest, and invest in their future. A VSLA Starter Kit includes a secure savings box, records books, and training for the group. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Loop Hoe

    A loop hoe is a simple farm tool for weeding that helps a homesteading family raise more food to eat and sell for income. This tool saves time, increases crop yields, and ultimately contributes to a family's overall health and wellbeing. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Your gift of seeds for “green manure” provides a farmer with self-fertilizing plants like velvet beans and other nitrogen-fixing plants to grow alongside their produce. Green manure improves soil fertility to help farmers grow more food to eat and sell for income. Help a farmer go green. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Out-of-school teens often have little guidance or information about their human rights or reproductive health. This peer-to-peer training helps young people understand the risks of early marriage, early pregnancy, HIV and AIDS, and encourages healthy relationships. Give hope to vulnerable teenagers today. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • People around the world who are caught in a crisis need emergency access to clean drinking water. Your gift of clean water helps our International Disaster Response team meet the needs of disaster survivors with 100 water-purification tablets, a water filter, and a community water storage unit. Your gift of safe water can stop the spread of deadly, water-borne diseases.
  • A jab planter is a hand tool that helps a farmer jab a hole and then plant a seed. Your gift of this labor-saving device helps save a farmer’s time and energy at planting time. Help a farmer grow more food more easily. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Here are a few of your favorite things from last year’s catalog. We put them all together into one big bunch of goodness called the best seller bundle. Your most-loved gifts bring families who live in poverty opportunities for better health and hygiene, more food and income, and well-being with hope. 1 Goat - $50 1 Chicken - $3 Goats & Quackers (five ducks and two goats) - $155 The Whole Barnyard - $2515 A Friendship Pack - $62 A Family-sized Water Filter - $90 The Herd - $255 1 Bicycle - $105 10 Bars of Soap - $5 Where Needed Most - $50 **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • This gift includes 10 goats, 8 pigs, 4 piglets, 25 ducks, 15 rabbits, 50 chickens, and 5 roosters and farmer training in how to raise them. Fill a whole barnyard with noisy, healthy animals from World Renew and help families with enough food, better nutrition, a stable income, and hope for tomorrow! **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • Help children in remote villages improve their reading skills with a traveling library. Send books on the road with this motorbike and trailer! Give students opportunities to develop their intelligence, imagination, and a life-long love of learning. **Each gift helps someone who lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) a day**
  • World Renew’s disaster response volunteers need safe, reliable tools to help homeowners in the U.S. and Canada recover from a natural disaster. Your gift can include hand and power tools such as drills, saws, hammers, nail guns, tape measures, and paintbrushes to complete home repairs and rebuilding.
  • Help farmers and their families become food secure with our Food Security Bundle. This bundle includes a Variety Seed Packet, Farming Tools, and one Chicken to help end hunger for families around the world.
    • Variety Seed Packets include vegetables to improve health and nutrition
    • Farming Tools help farmers grow and cultivate their crops
    • Chickens provide families with fertilizer, fresh eggs, and meat
    *Donate the entire bundle or select individual items below.

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