Making a Global Impact on Health

Making a Global Impact on Health

As a member of Christian Connections on Health (CCIH), World Renew will be represented at the first conference CCIH will hold in person since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. World Renew participates with CCIH in 30 x 30, an initiative to improve 30 health systems worldwide by the year 2030.

The 2023 conference, held at National Catholic University in Washington DC from June 5 to 7, 2023, focuses on the theme, “Hope in Health: Our Labor is not in Vain.”

The conference materials note that in the last few years, “…healthcare workers often lost hope as they tirelessly worked to ensure the health of their patients, communities, friends, and family. The pandemic, conflict, climate change, and unexpected disasters made healthcare more challenging than ever. Join us at the conference as we share how we have stood together in the work the Lord has given us.”

World Renew Senior Program Consultant from Bangladesh, Nancy TenBroek, who presented at the first virtual CCIH conference during the pandemic in 2020, is a panelist this year with two other international Christian non-profit speakers on “Humility: Lessons from failure and conflict – What do we do when things don’t go to plan?” She will draw from World Renew’s decade of maternal and child health programs in eight countries as well as public/private partnerships in Bangladesh that are improving the health and wellbeing of pregnant women and infants in the first 1,000 days of life.

In addition to representation in the main panel session, World Renew will also present two breakout sessions with CCIH members during the 2023 conference. Ruth Kayima, World Renew’s Health and Gender Coordinator for East Africa will co-lead a breakout session on “Motivating Community Health Volunteers: With or Without Compensation?” by exploring World Renew’s work with stipend-free models for sustainable community health programing in Bangladesh, Kenya, and Uganda.

Grace Garnvwa, World Renew Nigeria Country Director, will co-lead a breakout session on “What Works? Lessons Learned from Disaster Response on Three Continents.” She will draw on World Renew’s experience working in Maternal Nutrition and Child Health program implementation in Nigerian conflict zones through community partnerships with local churches and village development committees.

World Renew is part of CCIH’s global network of 100 Christian organizations at work in 90 countries and are committed to advancing health and motivated by our Christian faith and values to provide access to quality healthcare and prevention services.


As a member of Christian Connections on Health (CCIH), World Renew will be represented at the first conference CCIH will hold in person since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. World Renew participates with CCIH in 30 x 30, an initiative to improve 30 health systems worldwide by the year 2030.

The 2023 conference, held at National Catholic University in Washington DC from June 5 to 7, 2023, focuses on the theme, “Hope in Health: Our Labor is not in Vain.”

The conference materials note that in the last few years, “…healthcare workers often lost hope as they tirelessly worked to ensure the health of their patients, communities, friends, and family. The pandemic, conflict, climate change, and unexpected disasters made healthcare more challenging than ever. Join us at the conference as we share how we have stood together in the work the Lord has given us.”

World Renew Senior Program Consultant from Bangladesh, Nancy TenBroek, who presented at the first virtual CCIH conference during the pandemic in 2020, is a panelist this year with two other international Christian non-profit speakers on “Humility: Lessons from failure and conflict – What do we do when things don’t go to plan?” She will draw from World Renew’s decade of maternal and child health programs in eight countries as well as public/private partnerships in Bangladesh that are improving the health and wellbeing of pregnant women and infants in the first 1,000 days of life.

In addition to representation in the main panel session, World Renew will also present two breakout sessions with CCIH members during the 2023 conference. Ruth Kayima, World Renew’s Health and Gender Coordinator for East Africa will co-lead a breakout session on “Motivating Community Health Volunteers: With or Without Compensation?” by exploring World Renew’s work with stipend-free models for sustainable community health programing in Bangladesh, Kenya, and Uganda.

Grace Garnvwa, World Renew Nigeria Country Director, will co-lead a breakout session on “What Works? Lessons Learned from Disaster Response on Three Continents.” She will draw on World Renew’s experience working in Maternal Nutrition and Child Health program implementation in Nigerian conflict zones through community partnerships with local churches and village development committees.

World Renew is part of CCIH’s global network of 100 Christian organizations at work in 90 countries and are committed to advancing health and motivated by our Christian faith and values to provide access to quality healthcare and prevention services.

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