
Since 1974, World Renew has worked to change the story of poverty in Honduras through programs that help improve both economic and spiritual well-being for families in rural and urban areas.


Since 1974, World Renew has worked to change the story of poverty in Honduras through programs that help improve both economic and spiritual well-being for families in rural and urban areas.


Most of the population of Honduras resides in the country’s mountainous interior. In 1998, Hurricane Mitch devastated Honduras and caused thousands of fatalities. These occasional severe weather patterns, along with the rugged landscape, have posed many economic and agricultural challenges for the people of Honduras. World Renew works to improve livelihoods in Honduras through income-generation opportunities, food security, empowerment for youth and women, and more.

Food Security

Economic Opportunity

Community Health

Peace and Justice

Disaster Response


“I was a shy woman before. But a few years ago, I began taking part in [a] savings group. I would go and put my money in, but I’d never speak. Bit by bit, I began to take a more active part in the group, and I was elected to run it as president of the group for eight years. We had a good group of 30 people, and we began to celebrate Mother’s Day, Women’s Day, Christmas, International Day of the Child, and the group grew to 70 women. . . [Since then], I moved on to the family garden groups, and I had to learn a lot. But it was a lovely process—planting seeds for gardens and for communities. There is a practical benefit and a spiritual benefit. This has helped me to be the woman that I am today.”

– Mirtala, garden group member and former savings group member

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The Asociación Cristiana de Desarrollo Integral y Emergencia (ALFALIT) provides community transformation, literacy, and income generation programs for communities in northern Honduras. Through partnership with World Renew, these programs have helped farmers grow better crops and led to the establishment of community credit unions that support small businesses.
The Asociación Para una Sociedad mas Justa, or Association for a More Just Society (ASJ), works to promote justice and human rights in Honduras from a Christian perspective. The organization focuses on the areas of youth and family, anti-corruption, peace and public security, labor rights, and land rights. World Renew works with ASJ to strengthen communities and support vulnerable adolescents. ASJ also supports legal and counseling clinics in communities without access to legal or psychological services.

The Asociación Diaconia Nacional de Honduras, or Diaconia Nacional, is the relief and development agency of the Christian Reformed Church of Honduras. Since 1986, World Renew has worked with Diaconia Nacional on various programs in 30 communities in Honduras. This work includes training church leaders, helping farmers learn new agricultural techniques, establishing community credit unions, and implementing health programs for adults and children.

Ministerios Cristianos de Mayordomía, or Stewardship of Christian Ministries (MCM), is a Christian organization with roots in the Brethren churches in Honduras. MCM has developed a successful micro-credit/income generation program in Nueva Suyapa, an urban, marginalized neighborhood of the capital city Tegucigalpa. MCM also focuses on food security, health, and community development in partnership with World Renew. Most of MCM’s programming is directed toward supporting women.
The Comisión de Acción Social Menonita, or Mennonite Social Action Commission (CASM), promotes local and regional development in Honduras. The organization has several municipal, regional, national, and international alliances and strives to influence issues that create positive changes for vulnerable communities and families. With CASM, World Renew has implemented programs focused on agriculture, food security, and community development.
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