A Cambodian Mother’s Dream

A Cambodian Mother’s Dream
Em Mom, 41, grew up in Kampot province, in southwestern Cambodia. Following in the footsteps of her parents, Mom took up rice cultivation and small-scale livestock farming to help support her own family.
But as her family’s needs grew over time, she struggled to generate enough income. She says, “We could barely make ends meet. We tried everything so we could pay off our debts. . . My husband migrated to Phnom Penh to take up construction work. It was a trying time for all of us.”
When World Renew’s local partner, OREDA, began an agriculture and food security project in Mom’s village, she was eager to participate. “Many neighbors looked down on my family because we earned so little. I did not let this humiliation stop me from improving my family’s condition. That’s why I grabbed the opportunity when OREDA launched their project in my neighborhood,” Mom shares.
Through the program, Mom had the opportunity to receive training in livestock production. With her consistent participation and intentionality in improving her living condition, Mom can now earn an additional $300 – $370 US each month. She now sees a future where she can achieve the dreams that she initially thought were unattainable.
Mom says, “I dream of expanding the livestock so I can increase my savings. I want to reap the fruit that enables my whole family to benefit from, especially for my children’s education.”
Learn more about how World Renew provides better economic opportunities for people like Em Mom.
Em Mom, 41, grew up in Kampot province, in southwestern Cambodia. Following in the footsteps of her parents, Mom took up rice cultivation and small-scale livestock farming to help support her own family.
But as her family’s needs grew over time, she struggled to generate enough income. She says, “We could barely make ends meet. We tried everything so we could pay off our debts. . . My husband migrated to Phnom Penh to take up construction work. It was a trying time for all of us.”
When World Renew’s local partner, OREDA, began an agriculture and food security project in Mom’s village, she was eager to participate. “Many neighbors looked down on my family because we earned so little. I did not let this humiliation stop me from improving my family’s condition. That’s why I grabbed the opportunity when OREDA launched their project in my neighborhood,” Mom shares.
Through the program, Mom had the opportunity to receive training in livestock production. With her consistent participation and intentionality in improving her living condition, Mom can now earn an additional $300 – $370 US each month. She now sees a future where she can achieve the dreams that she initially thought were unattainable.
Mom says, “I dream of expanding the livestock so I can increase my savings. I want to reap the fruit that enables my whole family to benefit from, especially for my children’s education.”
Learn more about how World Renew provides better economic opportunities for people like Em Mom.