The Benefit of Change
By: Stephan Lutz
Change can be difficult, but it can also lead to unexpected growth, as development partners in the village of Igembe, Kenya, can attest. Anglican Development Services Mt. Kenya East (ADSMKE) is currently implementing a four-year integrated food security program through World Renew and financial support from Growing Hope Globally, starting in Igembe.
The program focuses on many areas: building capacity to produce more diverse and nutritious foods; improving access to land and water for agriculture; establishing Village Savings and Loans Associations; promoting better maternal, infant, and child health; and promoting water, sanitation, and hygiene practices. The way it’s being implemented, though, is new. Traditionally, World Renew and its partners have worked in two to three local villages per year. This new approach will instead focus time, efforts, and energy toward just one village at a time before moving on, to reach four villages in four years.
So far, the results are promising. One World Renew field staff member describes it with excitement, saying, “When I recently visited the community… after about one year of implementation, I saw an enthusiasm, confidence, ownership, leadership, and excitement by the community members that I have rarely experienced in a field visit.” The program will continue moving on over the next three years, with hope that the lessons learned will impact other programs for many more years to come.
Give to ensure this vital programming in Kenya can continue.
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